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The microglial endocannabinoid system similarly regulated by lipopolysaccharide and interferon gamma

October 2022

"Perturbation of the endocannabinoid system can have profound effects on immune function and synaptic plasticity. Microglia are one of few cell types with a self-contained endocannabinoid system and are positioned at the interface between the immune system and the central nervous system. Past work has produced conflicting results with respect to the effects of pro-inflammatory conditions on the microglial endocannabinoid system. Thus, we systematically investigated the relationship between the concentration of two distinct pro-inflammatory stimuli, lipopolysaccharide and interferon gamma, on the abundance of components of the endocannabinoid system within microglia. Here we show that lipopolysaccharide and interferon gamma influence messenger RNA abundances of the microglial endocannabinoid system in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the efficacy of different synthetic cannabinoid treatments with respect to inhibition of microglia nitric oxide release is dependent on the concentration and type of pro-inflammatory stimuli presented to the microglia. This indicates that different pro-inflammatory stimuli influence the capacity of microglia to synthesize, degrade, and respond to cannabinoids which has implications for the development of cannabinoid-based treatments for neuroinflammation."

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